Thursday, July 21, 2011

Canoe Trip

Today we gathered around the canoes, lathered and relathered on the sunscreen, and headed out. Paired with great friends, Mark claimed we would all hate each other by the end of the trip due to our frustration with the canoes. The water was so deep! A TOTAL 1.6 FEET! I thinke we did prettay well if i do say so myself with all the 'conditions' we dealt with. We stopped to swim a few times and look at critters. Our canoes cruzed into the shore and the water started spraying! Everyone was armed with squirt guns! We all got soaked, even if you didnt want to. The water was dark so it was very enjoyable to swim below the water and grab peoples legs. Enough said. It was fun. We pulled our canoes to shore after a long day. I stepped our into a huge pile of mud/ quick sand and my foot sunk a foot. I almost tipped the canoe and Brian had to pulle me out. But we saw a goat, so its all good. A successful ending to a great day.

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